How to make a better environment using Python

By omega

Elevator Pitch

This talk is for someone who wanto to improve the around environment better using Python. Python is a programming language that anyone can easily start with. In this talk, I will talk about how we improved development environment using Python.


Python is a programming language that anyone can easily start with. It is the grammar is simple, included in the standard OS, executing is very easy. By the way, is there anything you find inconvenient in living? For example, for example, doing the same confirmation manually many times during development etc. Many tiny problems that can be automated actually exist. In this talk, I will talk about how we improved development environment using Python.


  • Python beginner

  • Someone who wants to make something using Python

  • Developers who want to improve the development environment better : )

A speaker talks about the following topics:

  • why python is a better tool when improving little problem

  • the use case of Python: How to improve the development environment