How to test unit tests (with code coverage and mutation testing)

By Stefan Pölz

Elevator Pitch

Executing the very short development cycle of test-driven development requires discipline and practice. But combined with CI, the resulting test suite confirms our code to be continuously deployable. With code coverage and mutation testing we can further improve the quality of our unit tests.


The .NET ecosystem offers us a variety of testing frameworks and assertion libraries to help us author a suite of unit tests, making our production code even more SOLID. In this session, Stefan is showing how both code coverage and mutation testing can further improve the effectiveness of test suites, and how to continuously integrate it into Azure Pipelines. The tools of the trade include Coverlet, ReportGenerator, and Stryker.NET.


Backing repository:

  • using Try .NET tool for the presentation
  • I already have presented the part about Mutation Testing during a job interview

I will record a backup video of the live demos, in case something goes wrong with a service the presentation is depending on.