
Pittsburgh, PA

Tags: Dev, Design, Community_leadership, Devops, Distractions

CFP closed at  April 01, 2016 04:00 UTC

Speak at Abstractions!

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Abstractions is a new conference that brings together everyone involved in modern software development — designers, developers, DevOps, and community leaders — to teach, learn, and connect with each other.

We’ve gathered a great lineup of diverse speakers, from language creators to community builders to design innovators, and are seeking interesting and unique proposals from our peers in the industry. Join us for three days in August to expand your understanding of the world of modern software development, both inside and outside the confines of your chosen expertise.

Learn more at abstractions.io!

Multiple Submissions Encouraged

Figuring out how many of your talks get into our program is the job of the organizers, not you. Don’t limit yourself to just a single submission. If you are selected more than once, we will work with you to select the best talk (or potentially talks) of the bunch.

You Have Something Interesting to Say

Even if you don’t think so, you do indeed know SOMETHING that a large portion of our audience doesn’t. When you come up with an idea, don’t think “eh, nobody wants to hear that.” Let us decide if nobody wants to hear that. Worst case scenario, you’re not accepted and you’ve written a few paragraphs that will act as a starting point for other CFPs.

Also Accepting Spanish Language Talks

Aunque no tenemos la convocatoria en español, buscamos activamente ponentes de habla hispana.

Abstractions es la nueva conferencia que reúne múltiples disciplinas de la informática: diseñadores, desarrolladores, DevOps, y líderes de comunidades técnicas. Nuestra meta es aprender los unos de los otros y establecer nexos profesionales productivos.

Tenemos un grupo diverso de presentadores: creadores de lenguajes, líderes de comunidades técnicas, innovadores del mundo del diseño, y más. Buscamos propuestas únicas e interesantes de nuestros compañeros en la industria informática y afines. Participa con nosotros durante tres días en agosto para expandir tu visión del mundo moderno del desarrollo de software, desde la perspectiva de tu propia área de experiencia y más allá de ella.

Visítanos y obtén más información en abstractions.io!

CFP Description


Topics of Interest

Abstractions is a multi-disciplinary conference, with the goal of engaging people across the disciplines involved in software creation. We’re looking for talks on a broad range of topics.

For the conference, our talks will be sorted into five broad categories, described below. Feel free, though, to submit any talk that you think would be of interest to people involved in software, we can help you figure out where it belongs.

  • Backend, System, and Language Development
  • Front-end Development and Design
  • Community and Leadership
  • DevOps
  • Distractions

Backend, System, and Language Development

We’re interested in what goes into high-quality, modern software. We welcome talks on any technique, language, framework, or process that tells a story about how you create quality software.

Front-end Development and Design

What tools and systems can we use to make software products that are some combination of useful, attractive, and fun? We’re looking for any talks on how design and user interaction work positively influences software, or vice-versa.

Community and Leadership

Software doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Every successful software product, from open source to enterprise, requires a community of creators and users. We’re interested in how you build communities around your software, how you manage your team, and promote mental health.


In a world where software is engulfing everything, the task of deploying, updating, tracking, and improving software in a variety of environments becomes increasingly complex. We’re interested in how you manage to effectively deploy your software to users.


The distractions track will be a dedicated space for people to connect and do fun things. We’re looking for interesting uses of this space. Anything that doesn’t require people to sit down and listen to a presentation could go here. We’re especially interested in interactive exhibits.

How To Submit & Important Dates

You’re in the right place! Fill out the PaperCall form, and submit.

Our Submission deadline is March 31st. You’ll hear back from us before April 30th.

To submit, we ask that you also read and agree to our Code of Conduct. We’re proud to have it, and hope our speakers can help us ensure Abstractions is a great event for all attendees.


All accepted CFPs will be provided with a complimentary ticket to the conference plus $150 to contribute towards other expenses of attending.

If your employer or another organization is paying for your ticket, you may choose to donate your free ticket to the ticket scholarship pool. We’ll then list your organization as a scholarship sponsor.

If you’ve already purchased a ticket to Abstractions, you can

  1. donate the ticket to the scholarship pool,
  2. transfer your ticket to someone else, or
  3. ask for a refund of the purchase price of the ticket.

Although we cannot guarantee availability, speakers accepted via the CFP can apply for an additional scholarship. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please leave a note in your application (In the “notes” section). We’ll reach out to you for additional information if your talk is accepted.

Any scholarships awards will be decided independently of talk acceptance. Asking for travel aid will not reduce your chances of being selected to give a presentation.

Special Notes

In addition to English, we are accepting a limited number of Spanish language proposals thanks to the help of some Spanish speaking volunteers who will review these proposals. We are not able to accept any other languages at this time, but hope to in future years.

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