BSides Sydney 2024

November 09, 2024

CFP closes at  July 31, 2024 10:14 UTC

BSides is a renowned Information Security conference that serves as a gathering point for the InfoSec community, fostering connections among like-minded professionals. Started in 2019, BSides Sydney has hosted, dynamic one-day events since then, showcasing presentations encompassing both offensive and defensive aspects of InfoSec. With a strong emphasis on networking and collaboration, the events facilitate meaningful interactions among community members.

CFP Description

We are looking for these topics:

Incident Response, Malware Analysis, Exploit Development, Threat Intelligence, Detection, Offensive security, Red/Blue/Purple teaming, Vulnerability research, IoT security, Digital forensics and Security Monitoring.

How does it work?

It is really simple. You submit your presentations through the form provided, we gather all the submissions and the panel picks the ones that fit the bill. You are notified once the final decision has been made. You accept the terms and your presentation is added to the schedule on this website and other media.

Attendees (2)

Speak at BSides Sydney 2024!
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