Burlington Ruby Conference 2015

CFP closed at  April 07, 2015 03:00 UTC

The 2015 Burlington Ruby Conference is an annual conference all about getting together with Ruby friends, hanging out, and learning. The event takes place at Main Street Landing on August 1st and 2nd, 2015. There will also be an evening social gathering the Friday before the talks, on July 31st.

The conference is looking for 9 speakers, to fill out a total of 12 talks. BRC is a single track conference. Speakers will be given 30 minutes for their talk, with 10 minutes of optional Q&A after. Talks about Ruby, Ruby-related frameworks and libraries, workflow, process, and the human side of development would be great. The goal is to have a solid balance of talk subjects.

The speaker selection process is as follows:

  • a group of people review and select their top submissions solely based on the provided proposal (without knowing the name or any info about you)
  • the same group of people discuss their selections to narrow down the proposals to a more manageable size
  • finally, they select the talks for the conference

We follow this process to help remove bias from the selection process, as well as have multiple people with different perspectives select the talks. Once the speakers have been selected, you will be notified as to whether or not your talk was selected.

Speakers will be provided with a hotel room for Friday and Saturday night and up to $500 of travel reimbursement, if needed and requested.

Before submitting a proposal, please read the Code of Conduct for all speakers and attendees. Have any questions? Feel free to email info@burlingtonrubyconference.com or reach out on Twitter.

Find out more at the main conference website.

CFP Description

The 2015 Burlington Ruby Conference is an annual conference all about getting together with Ruby friends, hanging out, and learning. The event takes place in Burlington, Vermont, USA at Main Street Landing on August 1st and 2nd, 2015. There will also be an evening social gathering the Friday before the talks, on July 31st.

The conference is looking for 9 speakers, to fill out a total of 12 talks. BRC is a single track conference. Speakers will be given 30 minutes for their talk, with 10 minutes of optional Q&A after. Talks about Ruby, Ruby-related frameworks and libraries, workflow, process, and the human side of development would be great. The goal is to have a solid balance of talk subjects.

Speakers of all experience levels are encouraged to submit talks. You can submit as many talks as you would like, but only one may be selected.

The CFP will close at the end of the day on April 5th, 2015.

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