Chippewa Valley Code Camp 2023

Eau Claire, WI December 02, 2023

CFP closed at  October 22, 2023 23:29 UTC

On Saturday December 2nd, 2023, we will be bringing together the brightest minds in West-Central Wisconsin to celebrate our shared passion for software!

We Love Software

Do you?

The Chippewa Valley Developers Group in Eau Claire, Wisconsin is a group of software developers who love our craft – and we’d love to have you present at our code camp on Saturday, December 2nd.

Maybe you sling code or use scripts to transform data. If you’ve ever had to edit a configuration file or parse a response payload, you’ll probably fit in great.

We’re all about building a community of engineers and developers who want to learn, grow, and share what they know. Students, professionals, and hobbyists are welcome!

CFP Description

We are looking for talks about web, mobile, or any-stack development, tooling, embedded sysetems, information security, information architecture, AI, or anything else related to software engineering.

Tell us about what you’ll cover in your talk. Be specific. To increase your chances of being selected, be sure to provide the following in your submission:

  • Who’s this talk for?
  • What will they learn about?
  • What will they be able to do when they leave your talk?

This CFP is anonymous! Do not include any details that reveal your identity to the speaker committee. We do not see your contact info, bio or name until after the talks are selected.