OWASP New Zealand Day - 2024 - Pre-Conference Training

Auckland, New Zealand September 03, 2024, September 04, 2024

Tags: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Hands-on, Classroom in-person, Classroom instructor-remote, Live online

CFP closed at  April 15, 2024 12:00 UTC

We are pleased to announce the thirteenth OWASP New Zealand Day conference, to be held at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) on Thursday and Friday, 35-6 September 2024. The OWASP New Zealand Day conference, hosted by the OWASP New Zealand Chapter and presented by AppSec New Zealand, is a two-day conference dedicated to application security, with an emphasis on secure architecture and development techniques to help Kiwi developers build more secure applications.

Pre-conference training for the OWASP New Zealand Day conference will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, 3-4 September 2024. We welcome proposals from prospective trainers, for half-day, one-day, or two-day training classes. Training may be proposed in one of three formats: in-person, instructor-remote, or fully online. Please note, however, that preference will be given to in-person training, when multiple proposals are submitted in the same topic area.

The separate Call for Presentations (CFP) for the main conference can be found here

CFP Description

Training proposals will be considered in any area relevant to Web Application Security. Possible topic areas include any of those sought in the conference’s Call for Presentations, such as:

  • Secure coding
  • Mobile security
  • Cloud security
  • Secure development
  • Vulnerability analysis
  • Threat modelling
  • Application exploitation
  • Exploitation techniques
  • Threat and vulnerability countermeasures
  • Platform or language security (JavaScript, NodeJS, .NET, Java, RoR, Python, etc.)
  • Penetration Testing
  • Browser and client security
  • Application and solution architecture security
  • Risk management
  • Security concepts for C*Os, project managers and other non-technical attendees
  • Privacy controls

We welcome proposed training in any format - or mix of formats - compatible with the proposed training mode. Training modes can include, but are not limited to: lectures, multimedia presentations, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, group discussions, and “Capture the Flag”-style competitions.

The training schedule each day will be as follows (New Zealand Standard Time [NZST, GMT+12]):

  • 0800 - 0845 - Student check-in and classroom setup
  • 0845 - 1015 - Classroom Session
  • 1015 - 1045 - Morning Tea (provided)
  • 1045 - 1230 - Classroom Session (Morning half-day classes end)
  • 1230 - 1345 - Lunch Break (on your own); Check-in for afternoon half-day classes
  • 1345 - 1515 - Classroom Session (Afternoon half-day classes begin)
  • 1515 - 1545 - Afternoon Tea (provided)
  • 1545 - 1730 - Classroom Session

Training fees, per attendee, are fixed as follows:

  • Half-day class: NZ $250.00 (in-person or instructor-remote) / NZ $225.00 (online)
  • One-day class: NZ $500.00 (in-person or instructor-remote) / NZ $450.00 (online)
  • Two-day class: NZ $1,000.00 (in-person or instructor-remote) / NZ $900.00 (online)

Trainers will receive a flat fee - NZ $4,000 for in-person, NZ $3,600 for instructor-remote or online - per class day for a successfully presented class, for between three (our minimum) and 20 registered students. Trainers will receive a supplemental payment equal to 50% of the per-student enrolment fee, for each enrolled student over 20.

Training presenters for in-person classes will be automatically registered to attend the main conference in person on Thursday and Friday, 5-6 September, and will receive complimentary tickets to the Pre-Conference Reception on Wednesday evening, 4 September, as well complimentary lunches on the day(s) they’re presenting training and both days of the main conference. Remote presenters will be automatically registered to view the main conference online, via live-stream.

All training presenters will receive a complimentary conference t-shirt, along with a small thank-you gift for their participation. Gifts will be shipped to remote presenters after the event.

Attendees (1)