WebThings: Let's Make Your Things Smarter

By Pooja Purswani

Elevator Pitch

With the advent of the Internet of things, monitoring and controlling electrical appliances over the internet has become a child’s play. But are we really making our lives simpler or diving ourselves in an ocean which is getting deeper and deeper? What are the possible solutions to stay protected?


In today’s world where the security of our data of a major concern, the number of websites are always tracking what we search for, what we watch, our location and now when things are limited to only data, adding another dimension i.e. physical entities is really a big question.

From this talk audience will take away an understanding of the privacy concerns related to IoT, and how they may be putting their personal information at risk by connecting my physical entities to the internet and how Web Things come to the rescue. The goal is for visitors to leave with a better understanding of some of the issues surrounding the Internet of Things today, and how Mozilla is working to build a decentralized IoT with the Web of Things, to improve interoperability, privacy and security through standardization.

Mozilla is working to create a Web of Things framework of software and services that can bridge the communication gap between connected devices. By providing these devices with web URLs and a standardized data model and API, we are moving toward a more decentralized Internet of Things that is safe, open and interoperable. The Web of Things connects real-world objects to the World Wide Web. The idea of the Web of Things is to create a decentralized Internet of Things by giving Things URLs on the web to make them linkable and discoverable, and defining a standard data model and APIs to make them interoperable. The Web of Things is intended as a unifying application layer for the Internet of Things (IoT), linking together multiple underlying IoT protocols using existing web technologies. It is an open-source implementation of emerging Web of Things standards at the W3C.

WebThings initially focuses on developing three components:

  1. Things Gateway — An open source implementation of a Web of Things gateway which helps bridge existing IoT devices to the web
  2. Things Cloud — A collection of Mozilla-hosted cloud services to help manage a large number of IoT devices over a wide geographic area
  3. Things Framework — Reusable software components to help create IoT devices which directly connect to the Web of Things

A) Without Demos

Time Duration: 20-40 mins (flexible depending on the time allocation) Talk Structure: A.Without Live Demos:

-> General Discussion on What Is IoT and its future.
-> The pros and cons of connecting things to the internet.
-> How exploiters can breach the security and know our lifestyles.
-> Introduction to WebThings
-> Details about the WebThings framework.
-> How WebThings is secure and solve the problem of privacy and security

B) With Demos

-> Points included above
-> Demo of DIY web things that makers can build themselves using the Things Framework. Examples will be shown using several developer boards such as Arduino, Espressif, BBC micro: bit, Adafruit Circuit Playground, and Raspberry Pi.

Mozilla’s project adopts the principles of an open and interoperable web and applies it to the IoT. Come learn about it, join the party, and leverage this framework to build and enhance your own IoT products and services