The PWA Starter Kit

By mike geyser

Elevator Pitch

Today we will build a PWA! We will take one part polymer, one part lit-html, and one part redux. We will then mix thoroughly and place on top of a workbox configured service worker. This workshop will look at lit-html, LitElement, workbox and the PWA Starter Kit.


Today we will build a Progressive Web App! We will start with one part polymer, one part lit-html, and one part redux. We will then mix thoroughly and layer on top of a workbox configured service worker. Covering the result with a combination of chrome puppeteer and WCT suites, we will bake it for about an hour using the polymer-cli.

This workshop will look at lit-html, LitElement, workbox and the PWA Starter Kit. We will explore how the starter kit is set up, the characteristics (and pitfalls) of PWAs, and the power of web components. Using the foil of building a simple Todo app, the workshop will cover tooling, code, and design patterns that make building PWAs fast, easy and fun.



I’ve presented this as an hour-long talk before (linked below), but believe it would work really well as a sit-down-and-code workshop. It goes through how to build the typical TodoMVC style app, but using the Polymer PWA Starter kit.

Please see the talk here**:

** (Sorry, I know the video is not anonymous. Please feel free to disregard the link if it will interfere with blind review.)

Why this workshop?

The phrase “Progressive Web App” is incredibly loaded, and there are many different ways to build them. This kind of workshop presents an opinionated, end-to-end way of looking at the PWA solution space using one of the next-generation frameworks - lit-html. Attendees of this workshop will come away with an understanding of what the PWA landscape looks like, where the pitfalls are, and how to capitalise on them. lit-html should hit a 1.0 release early next year, and so will also be very topical.

Why me?

I am a frequent technical speaker, and I have extensive experience presenting on different facets of PWAs. I enjoy live coding, and have had a bunch of success presenting code in a clear, concise and accessible manner.