Refactoring CSS with Sass

By Ed Charbeneau

Elevator Pitch

Does your CSS code remind you of an episode of Hoarders? In this session we’ll look at how to apply back-end development principles like OOP, DRY, and Encapsulation to CSS using Sass. We’ll explore techniques to build modular and intelligent CSS.


Does your CSS code remind you of an episode of Hoarders? In this session we’ll look at how to apply back-end development principles like OOP, DRY, and Encapsulation to CSS using Sass. We’ll explore techniques to build modular and intelligent CSS. Prepare yourself for the next evolution in front end development.

In this one hour session, we’ll use Sass to refactor an existing HTML/CSS project into a reusable suite of styles.

Code demonstrations will be shown using the latest features of Visual Studio 2017 and .NET Core, however the concepts can be applied anywhere.


This session is beyond your usual “Here’s the basic features of Sass” and instead focuses on best practices for structuring CSS/Sass in an application. The importance of variables and mixins is shown through the lens of refactoring with OOP and DRY methodologies. This session evolves as does the tooling, so it’s rarely the same twice and always has great feedback from attendees.