Azure Machine Learning for Developers

By Ed Charbeneau

Elevator Pitch

As ML becomes mainstream understanding its place in the development stack is important. With a firm understanding of how to build a ML service for your application, you can identify opportunities in your applications for ML, implement ML, and communicate clearly with ML professionals on your team.


As Machine Learning (ML) becomes mainstream in the software industry it’s important to understand how it works and it’s place in the development stack. With a firm understanding of how to build a ML service for your application, you can identify opportunities in your applications for ML, implement ML, and communicate clearly with ML professionals on your team.

In this session we’ll learn about building a ML service for predicting loan approval based on credit history, create a web service, and consume the web service from various platforms. Through this process we’ll learn about Microsoft Azure ML Studio, a ML tool for building custom ML services. We’ll look the full stack to understand how to incorporate in .NET applications and beyond.


This session relates to full stack developers who are trying to understand what Machine Learning really is, and how it’s used in app development. Machine learning has gone from a platform only to be understood by data scientists, to something any developer can grasp with training.