Jakarta EE Roadmap

By Kevin Sutter

Elevator Pitch

2021 was an exciting year for Jakarta EE! Major Platform releases as well as individual Component releases through out the year. And, more feature content planned for 2022! Jump on the Jakarta EE bandwagon and learn about the pent-up demand for this cloud-native Java programming model.


Jakarta EE ended 2020 with the major Jakarta EE 9 release in December. This release allowed Jakarta EE to formally break away from Oracle and the JCP by changing the package names across the board from “javax” to “jakarta”. Although a disrupting change, the industry seems to have embraced this direction with support from many stack products, tools, and processes. This release was quickly followed up by the Jakarta EE 9.1 release which support the Java SE 11 runtime. This demonstrated Jakarta EE’s commitment to keeping up with the LTS versions of Java.

Recently, the Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan was completed and approved. This Plan outlines 12 Major version and 11 Minor version updates of component specifications! This extensive set of community-driven specifications demonstrates the pent-up demand for updating and modernizing this critical Java programming model. In addition to the updates for the existing set of specifications, Jakarta EE 10 will also introduce us to Jakarta Config and a new Core Profile that can be utilized by lightweight runtimes. This talk will focus on all of this new content and direction for Jakarta EE 10.


I was the Release Lead for Jakarta EE 9 and 9.1. I also created the Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan (with help from the wider community, of course) which was recently approved by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. I have been involved with Java EE and now Jakarta EE since JCA (Java Connector Architecture) was first introduced in J2EE 1.3. I am very involved with the Jakarta EE effort at Eclipse participating on both the business side (Working Group, Steering Committee, and Specification Committee) and the technical side (EE4J PMC member, Jakarta EE Platform project co-lead, and committer on several Jakarta EE Projects).

I am also one of the original founders of the MicroProfile project, which is a close cousin of Jakarta EE in the cloud-native Java environment.