Andy Ricchuiti



How’s it going? I’m Andy. I’ve been doing front-end development around the metroplex for 6 years. I’ve gotten the opportunity to work on micro-sites with La Quinta and native app development with Ovenbits.

According to StrengthsFinder, my top strength is empathy. So I want digital communication to meet people where they are at. This isn’t practiced a lot in the development community. Usually, we design for minimalism or we build to amaze, but I hope to create spaces where users are truly helped, where they feel heard by our products.

Currently, I’m at Capital One working on their Auto Finance websites. My main responsibilities are managing relationships with business partners, rapid prototyping with new technologies, and build high-quality components for production in a highly regulated industry.

In my not-development life, I play tennis and take my teddy-bear-like dog on walks, and I hope to engage in conversations with people where we are both encouraged to be more human than distractions.