Temidayo Adefioye



Temidayo is a Google Certified Associate Android Developer and an open source advocate with a keen interest in mobile app development, web applications, and data science. He is the convener of CodeNest Africa and RoadToFlutter movement.

In 2014, he had the opportunity to represent his country and Africa as a whole at Microsoft Headquarters for a software contest. In 2015, He was invited by Microsoft to be a Judge at Break into code challenge for students across the world.

In a bid to ensure that data is more accessible to Nigerians, he built a smart mobile app that allows users to verify the authenticity of any product before purchase. Currently, this app can identify over 100k registered products in Nigeria.

Temidayo currently enjoys working full-time for Software Business Solutions Consulting(SBSC). He started writing software for fun and friends in 2011 after his mum bought him his first computer, a Hp 620 laptop, and he’s been delivering commercial software since 2015.

My Talks

The Kotlin RoadMap