Domo + Julia: Learnings from scaling Julia up to process petabytes in production

By Jacob Quinn

Elevator Pitch

At Domo we see a LOT of data. Like, Fortune-500-sized automated pipelines of business-critical data kind of data. And now we’re turning to Julia to get smart about all that data. While deploying pre-1.0 may sound risky, Domo is no stranger to blazing trails in search of the right tool for the job.


Domo is the operating system for your business. Bring all your data into one place, transform it, and start getting real insights and value out of it. Automatically generating insights on petabytes of Fortune 500 data is no trivial task, so we turned to Julia for a solution that has performance, scale, and most importantly, statistics close to the heart.

Come learn about our custom Julia stack: how it came together, what we’ve learned scaling it, and how we’re leveraging it to bring automatic insights to Domo users.


We love Domo and we love Julia. We’ve gotten more and more involved in the data pipeline architecture at Domo and have carefully positioned Julia as the go-to solution for statistics and large scale analyzing of user datasets. We’re excited about how enthusiasm for Julia is growing at Domo and we want to share that with others!