Rafa Haro

Sevilla Area, Spain


I have a graduate degree in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Seville and a MSc in Linguistic Technologies and Data Mining from UNED. Ever since I started out to work, I have been always very interested not only in Software Engineering and Development, but also in applied research. I consider myself an enthusiast of anything related to Semantic Technologies, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining and Heterogeneous Data Sources Integration. Currently, my research is focused on Named Entities Disambiguation against Semantic Knowledge Bases like DBpedia or Wikipedia.

As Software Engineer, I have been always working in highly innovative environments, both as a developer and as a researcher. To date, my work has been mainly related to Semantic Technologies, NLP and Machine Learning for Automatic Document Processing, gaining experience with many tools like Lucene, Solr, GATE, OpenNLP, Apache Mahout, WEKA, Scikit-learn, NLTK, Elastic Search, Spark, Hadoop and many others. I am also an Apache Software Foundation committer and PMC member, currently contributing to Apache Stanbol and Apache ManifoldCF.

Last years I have been focused on applied techniques from these fields to the Document Management World.

Specialties: Natural Language Processing, Recommendation Systems, Information Retrieval, Text Analysis, Opinion Mining, Machine Learning, Big Data, Semantic Technologies

My Talks

Y hoy...¿Qué vemos?. Analizando Reviews de Películas con Python