Building Maintainable Python Web App using Flask

By Wonder Chang

Elevator Pitch

Why we need to have a maintainable code? Because we want to continue changing it gracefully when facing those various business requirements. So how does it looks like in Python? This talk will demonstrate how to build a maintainable web application with Flask.


Flask is a popular Python web application micro-framework, which is easy to extend a variety of features individually and used to build enterprise systems widely. However, Software becomes more and more complicated due to changing business requirements. Maintainability is what enterprise developers are seeking for. There may be some specific business logic inside the implementations which you possibly have the skills and knowledge to understand the context and make changes to them at present, but what about next week, or after half an year? How fast you could make those changes each time? Generally, writing unit tests is one of the most effective approaches to make your code maintainable. This talk will stand on the perspective of testability to introduce the clean architecture, giving a comprehensive big picture that how the maintainable Flask-based web application looks like. What this talk will be mentioned including the fundamental concepts of unit testing, application architecture layers, Domain-driven Design (DDD), and the experience of linking them in the daily development works.