Hernán Wilkinson

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Hernan Wilkinson graduated in Computer Sciences from the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales at UBA. He has been teaching Object Oriented Programming and Advanced Design with Objects in the same University for more than sixteen years and also at the industry through 10Pines. He also teaches Software Engineering II at the same faculty. He has been working as a programmer, architect, technology and development manager in different companies such as IBM, Banco Galicia and Mercap SRL. He currently works at 10Pines, company that he founded with a group of friends, teaching, coaching and developing. He also works as professor at the FCEyN at UBA. He has been speaker in different international congresses such as Agile USA, OOPSLA (Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications), ESUG (European Smalltalk User Group), Smalltalks, Agiles Latin America, RubyConf Argentina and PHPConf Argentina. He has been Key Note Speaker at Scrum Gathering Ecuador 2015 and the JalaSoft’s TechZone 2014. He has been chair of Smalltalks (the Smalltalk conference in Argentina) and PC Member of IWST from 2011 to 2015, Smalltalks 2010, 2011 and 2012, and WISIT 2014. He contributes to many open source projects like Aconcagua and Chalten. He is founding member of FAST (Fundacion Argentina de Smalltalk). And besides all his obligations, he is still a passionate programmer. You can follow him at @hernanwilkinson