Truth is always Strange - Fuzzy logic in Python

By Juan Manuel Álvarez Quiñonez

Elevator Pitch

In programming decisions are primarily hard: conditions are true or false, and no one questions the gray areas. By the other hand, humans tend to take decisions weighting pros and cons. Fuzzy logic has emerged in order to represent human’s decision making process in the computers.


This talk is aimed to introduce Fuzzy logic as a tool for resolving certain problems in programming and how to implement it in Python. The attendees will watch some basic theory about this technique and a couple of demos, written in python.

The plan for the talk is: - presentation (2 minutes) - Explain what is Fuzzy Logic (4 minutes) - first demo (5 minutes) -The infamous “tipping problem example” (15-20 minutes): in this part there will be explanations about fuzzy logic operators and a second demo.


I’ve decide to make this talk because i found, about a couple of years ago, that fuzzy logic could fit as a simple solution for some problems that I was facing as a developer. A year ago, I’ve challenge myself to do my Master’s investigation project in Python and found that fuzzy logic frameworks are limited (in my search I haven’t found more than half a dozen) , and although in some documentation is extensive, there’s some things missing. My goal is to share some of things that I’ve “discovered” using this tool.

For this talk i can bring my own computer, it has VGA and HDMI video Output. probably I would need wi-fi connection.