Tim Govers

Antwerp Area, Belgium


“IT” all started when I was 6 years old and my dad came home with a Commodore and a book of BASIC. The next day I finished the book and was developing my first small applications. It was the seed that sparked the rest of my live. It has been a never ending rapidly evolving road with the birth of the public internet, shrinking and speeding up of hardware, new development languages appearing, doing “AJAX” long before it was called “AJAX”, always trying new technologies and specs to the edge of their abilities, the list became endless. I’ve been developing applications for 18 years now and my broad interest made me grow into a jack-of-all of some sort. Developing in multiple languages, analysing, spawning ideas, making crazy predictions that somehow became true, being a consultant, a manager,… it allowed me to learn how to have a birds eye view, to look for what’s there whilst being open to what is coming. As a consultant it has always been important to me to learn how a client, a company, and their domain works. After all, you should know what you are developing and what the goal is. From start-up to big four, all have their own challenges and yet many are alike. I absolutely love to discuss about nearly anything and always eager to learn from others. I do play the devil’s advocate at times though, just to spark thinking that little bit further. So by all means, whatever I tell (how crazy it can sound at times), take it in and form your own well-balanced ideas and opinions.