Getting Started with vi

By Alexander "Xander" Smith

Elevator Pitch

vi is an incredibly useful text-editor but has a tough learning curve. However, with just a little effort you’ll be creating scripts and slick color palettes in no time. We’ll cover the basics as well as fun features like how run shell programs, fetch websites, and run some complex editor commands.


From installation to compiling code without leaving the vi screen, this hands-on workshop will get take you from novice to being able to do tons of text tricks without touching a mouse. Vi is one of the smallest text editors and is being included in many common Linux distributions like Alpine, CentOS, and Ubuntu. Even if you’ve never run vi, you can quickly learn how to get the most out of your ssh connections and terminals.


I’ve been using vi for about 10 years now but I’m always learning new things to do with it. At the beginning I found vi’s modal interface and command syntax very daunting so I’d like to help others get started so they don’t have to spend hours pouring over old vi documentation or stackoverflow.