CI & CD: A closed look to implementation!

By Samuel Alejandro Luciano Lassis

Elevator Pitch

Do you know what Continuous Integration & Delivery principles are? I am sure you do but, How to implement them? What are the right tools? It’s a little bit more complicated and that’s why I want to talk with you to make a comparison between tools that can lead you to achieve those principles.


DevOps philosophy

It’s just a set of principles which main goal is to get the development team and the operation team integrated so, they work together to agilize the deployment process to deliver new functionalities on every iteration.

Continuous Integration

Stands for the process of mantaining a functional version of the product being developed through the integration of every small change in the source code.

Continuous Delivery

Stands for the process of updating every stage/environment of the product lifecycle possibly after every small change in the source code.

In this talk I want to show you how you can implement those principles. First, we are going to see a separate set of tools and how we can integrate it to achieve this two principles; some tools are open source and others aren’t. Second, we move to an approach where I have just one single tool with everything integrated. Final, we are going to compare them to establish pros and contras of each one.