10 commitments of an Agile Leader

By Ramanathan Yegyanarayanan

Elevator Pitch

we delve into the ’10 Commitments of an Agile Leader.’ These commitments are the essential pillars that provide the foundation for an effective Agile environment, guiding leaders in their pursuit of agility and empowering teams to thrive in the ever-changing competitive business landscape.


Outstanding leadership is the cornerstone of any thriving Agile environment. Leaders and managers are like the foundation of a building; they give the organization stability and direction. They set the tone, define the culture, and embody the values the rest of the organization should follow. Agile leaders create an environment where teams feel safe to experiment and learn from failure, encourage collaboration, and innovation is the norm. They instil a sense of shared responsibility and facilitate open, honest communication. These actions build trust, promote autonomy, and foster high adaptability—integral elements for Agile to thrive. In essence, effective Agile leadership is the bedrock upon which the principles of Agile can flourish. The leader’s ability to commit and model these behaviours sets the stage for the organisation to follow suit and ensures meaningful and productive change. So, whether you’re embarking on an Agile transformation journey or refining your existing Agile practices, these ten commitments offer a roadmap to effective Agile leadership.


  1. Commit to Ownership(4 mins)
  2. Commit to Invest Time, Resources, and Budget(4 mins)
  3. Commit to the Agile Mindset and build the Agile Skill Set(4 mins)
  4. Commit to Leading by Example(4 mins)
  5. Commit to Cultivating a Learning Environment(4 mins)
  6. Commit to Empower and Trust Your Teams(4 mins)
  7. Commit to Collaboration(4 mins)
  8. Commit to Action(4 mins)
  9. Commit to Value People and Interactions(4 mins)
  10. Commit to Cultivating a Safe-to-Fail Environment(4 mins) Q&A - 5 mins