From Idea to Executable: Finishing That Thing You've Been Working On

By Daniel Kraft

Elevator Pitch

Developers love to start projects they will never finish. There are so many great ideas, but not enough time or motivation to complete them.

We are going to figure out which projects are worth finishing, and how to get them done!


How many half-finished projects do you have sitting by the wayside? How many excuses do we make for ourselves about why they haven’t been finished yet? Maybe you have a great idea, but aren’t even sure where to start. Whether your idea is an new industry-disrupting startup company, a small desktop app just for personal use, or a home-improvement project; we will figure out a way to get it done.

Consider this your support group. We will be sharing and examining various tools & techniques to help you determine viability, plan, organize, and maybe even finish that thing you’ve been working on! We will even discuss things like lack of motivation and other psychological or social barriers.

Participation and discussion are highly encouraged!


I won’t claim to be an expert at finishing projects, but there are at least two reasons why I’m submitting this talk: having to get up in front of people is a huge motivation to do this kind of research (I will surely be mentioning this in the talk), and some of my most valuable experiences from That Conference were in having open discussions about specific topics in the officially designated “Open Spaces”. In fact, if you did decide to let me speak, I’d love to have an area with seating in a circle or semi-circle to better help facilitate discussion!