Building Full-stack Dart Applications

By Ogbonda Chiziaruhoma

Elevator Pitch

Dart is a versatile programming language that can be used to build applications for the web, mobile, desktop, and beyond. With its strong type system, reactive programming support, and modern syntax, Dart is a great choice for building full-stack apps that run on both the front end and backend.


Dart is a versatile programming language that can be used to build applications for the web, mobile, desktop, and beyond. With its strong type system, reactive programming support, and modern syntax, Dart is a great choice for building full-stack applications that run on both the front end and backend.

This talk will explore how to build full-stack Dart applications using popular frameworks like Flutter, Serverpod, and Dart Frog. We’ll dive into topics like server-side rendering, RESTful API design, database integration, and more. By the end of the talk, you’ll have a solid understanding of leveraging Dart’s strengths to build powerful, efficient, and maintainable full-stack applications. Whether you’re a seasoned Dart developer or just getting started, this talk will give you the tools and knowledge to take your skills to the next level.