webg3n - a 3D Server-side renderer in go

By maximilian.o.e.thumfart@gmail.com

Elevator Pitch

Webg3n is an Open-Source 3D webviewer in go. It streams rendered images from a powerful go game engine to a browser canvas using goroutines, channels and websockets. This talk aims to shed some light on all of theese topics and why server-side rendering can be a great alternative.


Server-side rendering is a trending topic for 3D webviewers as larger bandwiths are becoming more mainstream. It differs in certain aspects from WebGL client-side rendering but most importantly it’s supported by outdated webbrowsers. In this talk you will learn about the pros and cons of server-side rendering and how we built webg3n using the g3n game engine as a server side OpenGL renderer. You will learn how webg3n handles sessions with dedicated go routines, how they are communicating through channels and how to continuosly stream data bi-directional using gorilla websockets. Also, learn about the future of this project and how you can contribute to it. This talk is suitable for beginners who want to learn about goroutines and channels.


No specific requirements for participants. I started this project myself to learn about go routines, channels and how to setup websockets in go and I think it’s a nice little project shedding some light onto this while learning about the great ecosystem in go that is already out there, like the g3n game engine. I am a passionate gopher and an experienced speaker, speaking at Agile Testing Days, BILT, AEC Hackathons, etc.