snglsDAO: A Censorship Resistant Media DAO

By Troy Murray

Elevator Pitch

The snglsDAO is building a governance layer to the SNGLS Media Distribution Protocol that will be owned by the people. Censorship of content is happening on all platforms. We aim to remove the central authorities by releasing the open source tools so any content creator can share with the world.


In our modern world the commons have been privatized into siloed architectures where large companies with shadowy equity holders can influence the discourse that could once flow freely over the networks. From the dark corners of the internet a force of light was released into the world using a trustless mechanism that removed the siloed architectures and gave the commons back to the people, a gift from an anonymous entity going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. Having different participants with alternative incentives that compete with each other in the system, they created a self-sustaining public currency that we call Bitcoin. The snglsDAO plans on using a similar self-sustaining mechanism to deliver a public media distribution utility. We ask ourselves, not what content can do for our platform, but what can our platform do for content? We don’t know the final outcome of this grand experiment. All we can do is show you how it begins. Where it goes, is a choice left to you.


We have built a DAO that controls a torrent P2P media distribution protocol that anyone can come and build on top of. The DAO controls 3 major parameters of the protocol 1.) Listing Fee 2.) Transaction Fee 3.) Staking Fee

We use a mechanism called “Content Mining” which allows for curation of the protocol with out the need for a centralized authority.

We want to create the first great public utility built on top of Ethereum.