Istio, kubernetes and microservices functionality

By Don Schenck

Elevator Pitch

Spend four hours working with open source software in this browser-based workshop and gain the knowledge to implement a service mesh for your kubernetes pods. Learn microservice functionality such as Circuit Breaker, Chaos Engineering, Rate Limiting, Tracing & Monitoring, Custom Routing, much more.


An introduction to Istio Service Mesh, working with kubernetes, is followed by a hands-on workshop where you’ll learn advanced microservice functionality. Because this is browser-based, you won’t need to install anything on your PC; just point to the URL, sign in and go. Istio provides support for: Circuit Breakers, Chaos Engineering, Rate Limiting, Tracing & Monitoring, Custom Routing, Canary deployments, and more.

If you want to learn how a Service Mesh can transform your services without changing your source code, then this workshop is for you.


We use Katacode. I give a short – about 30-45 minutes – introduction to the subjects, then turn the audience loose. It typically takes about four hours. Limited to 100 people