.NET on Linux: Zero to Hero In Minutes

By Don Schenck

Elevator Pitch

.NET is evolving. No longer limited to Windows, it can now be used on just about any platform. Spend 30 minutes and see how .NET can work on Linux and be a part of the future, where any developer can work in any language on any platform.


.NET Core 1.0 is the new .NET.

ASPNET Core 1.0 is the new ASP.NET.

.NET on Linux is the new hotness.

In this fast-paced session you’ll learn how to install .NET on Linux and create your first program. You’ll learn about: the different parts of .NET Core 1.0; package managers and NuGet; the new command line interface (CoreCLI); and a great editor that is not Visual Studio. By the end of this presentation, you will know how to create a C# program that runs on Linux. No smoke, no mirrors, no tricks; it just works.

You’ll also learn why this is important to you and your organization.

Finally, you’ll leave with all the tools needed to start right away, including a Developer’s Copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) that you can start using on your PC or Mac today.


I’m the Director of Developer Experience for .NET on Linux at Red Hat.

.NET is a big deal. Open source .NET is a huge deal.

Red Hat is THE enterprise-level Linux.

This session is a great opportunity to embrace Microsoft, .NET, Linux and Open Source Software.