Perfect Python Package(PPP) and vedicpy

By Utkarsh Mishra

Elevator Pitch

Packaging the code make it available for others to use, rather than writing multiple functions again and again for our needs. It also makes working with its source a more pleasant experience. vedicpy implements Vedic mathematics using python for faster calculations.


Most of us have written python programs. Many have written modules. Some of them have written packages that beneficial for us all. Few beneficial packages are named as matplotlib, NumPy, SciPy etc.

A package whose source has some structure which makes testing and development more efficient and less error-prone. Such a package also makes working with its source a more pleasant experience. A well-formed package makes things easier for both the developer and the user. But it is easier to get started with a structure than to maintain that form. Which calls for a mechanism to maintain that structure and ensuring proper testing measures. But, adding tests isn’t everything. Automating tests with tox, nox, etc would make it easier and faster.  Vedicpy is a python implementation of Vedic mathematical sutras. It performs basic mathematics operations but few of them are at a higher speed.

This talk is for providing a way to python developers to produce useful code and publish it on PyPI so that others can also take the benefit from it and to show how I published my first python package.


  1. Basic Introduction to Python Packaging (5 minutes)
  2. Packaging Directory Structure (12 minutes)
    • Basic setup Files (5 minutes)
    • Main project directory and testing phase (5 minutes)   * Uploading to PyPI (2 minutes) 
  3. Automating Packaging and Introduction to vedicpy (8 minutes)
  4. Questions & Answers (5 minutes)