Jonathan Sandoval Ferreira



Hi, I’m Jonathan. I am a student living in the Dominican Republic. I am a fan of technology, web development and programming. I really like Chess, in my spare time I usually do a bit of pentesting and auditions of software in creation.I am a writer of articles on ethical hacking and Blue Team. I recognize myself as a person who likes to help others at all costs, because I always have in mind “That if I could go far, why not help others to reach the same way” at no cost.

I really like to encourage critical and concise thinking in technology areas. In 2016 I was an outstanding student in INFOTEP studying the professional technician in computer science. When I decided to focus on the area of ​​computer security, I had many challenges to go through because we were in a time when security was very fashionable and because the professionals in the area were very qualified-I decided to go to the limit, and despite seeing how far I’ve come I’m still fighting for that limit of knowledge. I am currently studying computer security technology at the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA).

Founder of the student communities at the Instituto Tecnológico de las Americas and Security Engineer Intern at Microsoft.

Instagram: Github: Comunidades Fundadas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.