Build a blog in 50 minutes with ColdBox and Quick

By Eric Peterson

Elevator Pitch

ColdBox and Quick can make a developer extremely productive. In this live-coding session, come see how to quickly scaffold a blog including everything you need to get started — posts, authors, tags, authentication, validation, and more!


ColdBox is a premier MVC framework for CFML. Quick is a ColdBox ORM engine built in CFML. Together, these two libraries enable rapid application development for RDBMS applications. In the 50 minutes of this session, attendees will be brought along a live-coding experience to scaffold a ColdBox application, install and set up Quick, and build a blog engine. The application will cover blog essentials like posts, authors, and tags as well as authentication, validation, and database migrations. By the end of the session, attendees will be able to scaffold their own application and start running with ColdBox and Quick!

ColdBox and Quick experience are not required.


ColdBox and Quick experience are not required.