Matt Bishop



In 2007, I was on a beach vacation with my friend John (yes, my first “J on the beach” tech experience!) He worked at a vast U.S. cellular service company, and he told me about a new Apple product that was going to blow everyone’s mind. A few months later, the world learned about the iPhone from Steve Jobs, and everyone knew that the world had just changed. The far-off future had arrived! Soon we all had computers in our pockets with fast networking, along with an endless supply of apps and services to satisfy every need and whim.

I have been writing software for startups, behemoths, and everything in between since Netscape Navigator opened the internet up to everyone. Today, internet-connected devices bind us together in real-time. Our software struggles to keep up with what people want from them: connection and up-to-date information. Event-driven design has revolutionized server architecture, yet struggles to take its place in your pocket, on your wrist, and in your home. This ‘last mile’ event-driven connection gives Evently, the Event Sourcing SaaS I recently launched, a place to solve these problems and bring these ideas into reality. Join me in these early days to learn about our solutions and the difficulties that lie ahead.