Ilanit Freeman



Hi. I am Ilanit.

To understand how I came to PMI, you need to read some background.

In 2003 I was forced to embark on an unconventional journey. I knew nothing but that: It was a journey for life.

The event that forced me to embark on this journey is described in details in the most authentic and exposed way in my book “IT IS ALL DOWN TO YOU”. (At the moment this book is only availble in Hebrew).

The book describes how I set out with a closed chest that did not allow oxygen to penetrate the body, but with great hope. It describes all the falls, and secrets, and the pretensions and the lies…

In this journey to life I learned that there is a universe parallel to the life I knew. And in this universe - I had many more rights than I was used to. I also had a choice and options. It was permissible and desirable to dream in it, and even to fulfill the dreams.

Over the years I have developed the Tripl A Traffic light method through my life experience, that determines that every process of change, decision making and personal or professional success must involve Awareness Accountability & Action.

One of my favorite lectures is about tackling challenges. During the time of lockdown due to Covid, I gave it voluntarily on Zoom to a group of retirees. Strait after the lecture, someone who heard me, approached me and asked if I could give a lecture at a conference of Project Managers as well.


I didn’t know what project management was (although in retrospect I am a born Project Manager), but being the risk taker I am - I spotted an opportunity, hence replied that I could certainly give a lecture. Then I went to learn what I have just commited to.

Feedback about my lecture was very positive, and some time later the CEO of PMI Israel Chapter called me and asked if I could also conduct a workshop. I said YES! and so the role began to unfold.

I organized a panel of experts about Project Management Challenges, and slowly I started to become more and more active in the association, and in the proccess learn & develope myself in the profession of Project Managers.

Today, alongside my own business that helps professionals become better through procedures of self-development, I also provide PMI Israel Chapter with the services of organizing events / lectures / workshops / interviews and writing a newsletter.

I love classical, pop and oriental music.

My time is well spent solving crossword, puzzles or sudoku.

I adore nature, especially the sea, and find it very inspiring.

Good food always makes me happy.

I Love traveling the world, and wherever I go I spread the message of Awareness, Accountability & Action as a way to happiness & success. +972-54-7771815