Honey, I moved the desktop to the cloud

By Jens Hennig

Elevator Pitch

Quirky EUC Architect Jens has been working with clouds since years. He exidentially moved all VDIs to the cloud.He reaches out to Maarten, also a EUC expert, asking him for help. Together they face epic battles on their quests around business use cases, architectural challenges and of course costs.


More detailed Elevator Pitch - aka the whole story: Quirky EUC Architect and Cloud Specialist Jens Hennig has been working with cloud workloads since years. In his obsession he exidentially moved all desktops to the cloud. Immediately he reaches out to his partner-in crime Maarten Caus, living next door also a EUC and cloud enthusiast, asking him for help. Together they face incredible dangers and epic battles on their quests around business use cases, architectural challenges and of course costs. Join this epic quest and figure out if they will succeed or face certain doom!

This session will be all about Desktops in the Cloud: We will not only cover the different kind of Horizon clouds, but also talk - in a funny way - about the technical as well as business related challenges with them. This session is suited for all audience, as we not only cover basic and business related content, but also go a bit more deeper into challenges and architectural design decisions.


We need two mics, and a beamer. Why are we the best persons to speak? - We have a lot of experience with sessions: Jens spoke at multiple VMUGS in 2022 and had multiple sessions at Explore US + EU 2002 and of course in previous years as well. Maarten was speaking at VMUGS and at Explore EU and also has a great speaking reference in the past. Both are members of EUC Champions / vExpert EUC since multiple years.

But the best reason: Having us both on stage is just fun! =) We will guarantee for a session to be remembered.