Panel talk: Decentralized Physical Infra Networks (DePIN) and App based Chains

By Harsh Ghodkar

Elevator Pitch

Moving forward in the process of mass adoption, when the major platforms, organizations and networks would like to migrate to an existing blockchain or build their own. We would do a case study on the Helium Network as well and talk about how Physical Infrastructure Networks can make big waves.


Introduction to DePIN: Talk about an overview of what DePIN is and how it works. We will discuss the benefits of using blockchain technology and P2P networks for infrastructure management, including greater flexibility, scalability, and resilience.

Incentives for Early Adopters: Later the panel would discuss the unique incentive structure of DePIN, which rewards early adopters for joining and taking on the workload. I will explain how this approach ensures that all end-users are served, regardless of their capability to pay.

Case Studies: Sharing case studies of successful DePIN implementations, how networks like Helium have tried creating their own chain and then migrated over to a public blockchain for speeding up development.

Concluding with thoughts from developers in the space and talk about project ideas which can help scale it next.


I have been into Blockchain Development for a few years now and have worked closely with multiple ecosystems and core developers. I have also been part of multiple communities, some communities which are new to crypto, some which are pure degens. This variation of people I have interacted with has given me perspective about how different people react to crypto, how people of different ages, countries etc react to crypto. Combining that experience with all the knowledge I have gained via following news about the governments of various countries and huge organizations’ take towards crypto is something which puts me as a potential candidate to throw light towards this topic. I have also been putting my views towards such news over various socials where I tend to view the bigger picture about how these regulations can help shape the future of the countries/organizations.

Hoping Web3Conf can be an excellent conference for me to present my views.