
By Hattapat Silangern

Elevator Pitch

I’m a student researching MRuby at Kyushu Institute of Technology in Tanaka Laboratory. Despite my initial unfamiliarity, I discovered MRuby’s potential in embedded systems, particularly creating mrbgems for standard GPIO functions on ESP32 I’m eager to bring this valuable knowledge back to Thailand


       In my thrilling talk, I will delve into its transformative potential from a novice's standpoint. Focusing on my research's pinnacle, I establish mrbgems as a standard MRuby's GPIO function, empowering the ESP32 microcontroller. Join me as I present the remarkable integration of MRuby's GPIO class in embedded systems. Together, we will embrace technological advancements and inspire attendees, fostering a thirst for innovation. A must-attend talk, captivating organizers, and participants alike!


       In my thrilling talk, I'll delve into MRuby's transformative potential from a novice's standpoint. With the widespread use of Arduino and its standard GPIO classes like pinMode() and digitalWrite(), I recognized the need to create a standard GPIO class for MRuby, specifically tailored and work well on ESP32 microcontrollers