Building a scalable Microservice architecture with Envoy, Kubernetes and Istio

By Samir Behara

Elevator Pitch

In this session, I will show you how to build cloud-native applications with Envoy, Istio and Kubernetes. You will walk away with a good understanding of the modern architectural patterns, have better insights about transitioning from monolith to microservices and apply within your own organization.


Microservices and Containers have taken the software industry by storm. Transitioning from a Monolith to Microservices enables you to deploy your application more frequently, independently and reliably. However Microservice architecture has its own challenges, and it has to deal with the same problems encountered while designing Distributed Systems.

Service Mesh comes to the rescue here. It reduces the complexity associated with the Microservice architecture and provides lot of functionalities like Load Balancing, Service Discovery, Traffic Management, Circuit Breaking, Telemetry, Fault Injection and more. Istio is one of the best implementation of Service Mesh at this point. Kubernetes provides a platform for running microservices and automating deployment of containerized applications.

Come join me in this session to learn about how we successfully transitioned from Monolith to this modern Microservice architecture using Istio, Envoy and Kubernetes in my organization.