Mastering Inter-dependent Cross-team Eco-systems - Multi-stage Kanban at (X)XL-scale

By Boris Kneisel

Elevator Pitch

Practitioner-report how to design, arrange & co-evolve adaptive Kanban-systems for multi-team DISCOVERY & DELIVERY environments – scaling from few teams to (X)XL organizations. Simplicity & aesthetics using 4 artifacts (matrix, board, table, chart) playfully combine for orchestration & choreography.


Adaptive work-model design suitable for real-world multi-team environments spanning multi- (-location / -hierarchy / -dept / -shores / -party), and eventually multi-cultures (corp. bedrock / regional hemi-sphere etc.)…provides challenges. Above complexity-dimensions are addressed by decent, simple, yet aesthetic design-elements using just 4 artifacts (matrix, board, table, chart) integrating playfully to combine for orchestration and choreography using powerful visual management techniques.


I have personally developed & continuously co-evolved the approach shown over an ongoing time-span from 2010 onwards. Amendments are mostly driven by customer feedback and related insights. Till today the approach has been successfully used to coach on various flght-levels incl. SME-sized companies (starting with as few as just 6-12 people involved) and scaling-up to very large organizations (Airbus, BOSCH, BMW, SAP – addressing OoM of 100-10.000s of people). Recently the approach extended to include techniques suitable for DISCOVERY- as well as DELIVERY-Kanban systems.