Where Is My Cache? Architectural Patterns for Caching Microservices

By Mohamed Taman

Elevator Pitch

I’m sure you use caching somewhere in ur system. This can be either to improve performance, reduce backend load, or to decrease downtime. However, in which part of ur system should be placed? let’s summarize all the options you have in the microservice world & describe Caching Architectural Patterns


I’m sure you use caching somewhere in your system. This can be either to improve performance, reduce backend load, or to decrease downtime. Everybody uses caching. Caching is everywhere. However, in which part of your system should it be placed?

There is more than one right answer to this question. You could place the cache inside each service or as a completely separate cache server. You could also put it in front of each service, or even as a sidecar container that belongs to the service — there are many options. Here, let’s summarize all the options you have in the microservice world and describe Caching Architectural Patterns.
