The Future of the web, the end of native apps (Lightning Talk)

By Timmy Kokke

Elevator Pitch

Is there a future for native apps? Lies their fate in the hands of the web? In this session, we look at what progressive web apps are. We also have look at how we can use modern web standards like the Service Worker and the W3C Manifest to bring an existing, responsive website out of the browser.


Is there a future for native apps? Lies their fate in the hands of the web? Other than with traditional applications, Progressive Web Apps offer a hybrid solution between ‘normal’ websites and mobile applications. This new model combines features of modern browsers with the advantages of a mobile app. Browser vendors like Google, Apple and Microsoft commit to the development of new web standards that create a fast, secure and reliable experience from the web. In this session, we’ll look at what progressive web apps are. We also have look at how we can use modern web standards like the Service Worker and the W3C Manifest to bring an existing, responsive website out of the browser.

With Microsoft Edge things have changed. The way Microsoft handles W3C standards is different. The effort put into progressive web apps is great. I strongly believe PWAs are the future of the way we build apps. When you have a secure, responsive website it is a small step to make this a progressive web app.