How to create a Real Estate SaaS with MongoDB and Node.js

By Alberto Torres

Elevator Pitch

MongoDB is powerful Database and it help’s me to create my Real Estate SaaS, it provides me fast development with Node.JS and Mongoose, the last one is straight-forward schema-based solution to model the application data. It includes query building and more.


From an Idea to Real Estate SaaS

Setting up our API Server

We’ll be using Express for this application as it is the standard for a great majority of Node applications today. Mongoose is an ORM — Object Relational Mapper. The official ORM used for MongoDB to be precise. To break it down, we use an ORM to simplify the transfer of data between our application and the database. It maps the data we have in our app to uphold a set of strict rules set by the database. The body-parser module is just a middleware we use to parse our data sent through HTTP requests.

Querying data with Studio 3T and MongoDB

Studio 3T match perfectly with MongoDB, is the better tool to get an easier way to work with the most popular NoSQL database. We going to see how this tool could help us to achieve the data that we need.

Using Mongoose

Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model your application data. It includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box. Let’s build our models!

Testing our API

For testing APIs, I always use Postman. It’s an awesome tool for testing URLs with HTTP actions. It also adds the possibility of sending data in the HTTP requests’ body. Exactly what we need to test the api.

Postman is a pretty basic tool, you enter the URL you want to send an HTTP request to, pick a method, and if needed, enter parameters. Let’s start with sending a POST request’s

Putting all together and Analyzing data with Heatmaps

Implementing a simple heatmap to breaks down Data and only provide the data that make sense, to track in realtime the analytics of the market. The beginning of big data… Real examples with Real Estate Market.


Hope you guys and girls enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed this Talk.