I-Don't-Know-Driven Development

By Adam Rosien

Elevator Pitch

Programming with hubris brings doom upon us: compiler and runtime errors. Instead, we can leverage humility by precisely declaring “I don’t know” which allows us to defer decisions and implementation details until later. We’ll teach this method in Scala for you to employ anywhere.


Programming with hubris brings doom upon us: compiler and runtime errors. Instead, we can leverage humility by precisely declaring “I don’t know” which allows us to defer decisions and implementation details until later. Having such a repeatable programming methodology allows us to avoid getting overwhelmed with details.

Luckily Scala is excellent for this method: we can use the ??? method to defer implementation decisions, allowing us to focus on higher-level concerns that offer precise declarations of intent, along with a means of composition to build larger units of computation.

We’ll teach this method in Scala for you to employ anywhere: in “scratch” code, during design sessions, bug fixes, or feature development.


Shhhh… this is type-driven development, but disguised! Sometimes type-driven development looks too scary.