Better together: choreography and orchestration

By Benjamin Smith

Elevator Pitch

Serverless applications lend themselves towards an asynchronous event driven architecture but many applicaitons still require synchronous processes. Using real examples I demonstrate how to use orchestration together with choreography to solve this challenge.


Serverless applications lend themselves towards an event driven architecture with stateless, decoupled, asynchronous workloads, using a communication pattern known as choreography. This woks well in in many situations, but can somtimes increase the complexity of your application. What’s more many applicaitons still require persistance, synchronous processes and human interraction.

Orchestration can help solve this challenge. Ben demonstrates how orchestration can help reduce complexity and manage synchronous workloads within event driven architectures to achieve harmony between choreography and orchestration.

In this talk, you’ll learn:

The pros and cons when considering choreography and orchestration. How to use these patterns together, and what to avoid.

This talk features real challenges faced by the AWS serverless developer advocate team when building “Serverlesspresso”, a live demo for re:Invent 2021.