How is VMware NSX used at Service Providers to create true multitenancy?

By Bart Oevering

Elevator Pitch

Did you already hear of VMware Cloud Director? Cloud Director the platform that Service Providers use to provide access to their cloud environment. During this session we’ll dive into this product that now really found it’s way in the VMware products.


Did you already hear of VMware Cloud Director? Cloud Director the platform that Service Providers use to provide access to their cloud environment. During this session we’ll dive into this product that now really found it’s way in the VMware products. We’ll travel from the development of Cloud Director to how to set it up with NSX. We’ll definitely take a stop at the new NSX Projects and the integration with Cloud Director to see how they achieve a true multi tenant environment.


For about a year now I’ve been working intensivly with Cloud Director at a global Service Provider. Not only did I migrate from Linux VMs with an external DB to VCD Appliances but I’ve also been bussy with migrations from VMware NSX-V to NSX-T while having Cloud Director in place. During many converstation I noticed that not many people know what VMware Cloud Director is and where it could be used within the orginization. With this session I want to provide a solid basis for the audience of what VCD is, what VCD does, and if it would be of use.