Brayan Muñoz V.



Graduated as a Telematics Engineer 📡💻 from PUCMM. 👨🏽‍🎓 currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Data Science 📈📊 at UCJC🎓

Software Development Engineer 💻 working remotely from DR 🇩🇴 with around 4 years of professional experience, working on projects under monolithic and microservices architectures, including around 1 year working professionally with data analysis projects.

Associate member of the JCP. Board Member of the Dominican Republic Java User Group JavaDominicano, OSS enthusiast with contributions to popular projects like JHipster.

My Talks

Hablando de basura: Garbage Collector, ¿qué es, cómo funciona y cuál debería utilizar en mi aplicación?

Why Should You Learn Java? Recent Language Enhancements (including Machine Learning)