Building a Karaoke App with Angular and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text

By Byron Dover

Elevator Pitch

Create an interactive Karaoke app with Angular and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text in under 30 minutes — select songs, display lyrics and grade performers as they sing along to classic 80’s hits — all while reviewing Angular 8.0 component structure, RxJS observables and Google Cloud APIs!


This talk is half slides and half interactive code along lab. We start by reviewing the tooling we’re going to use (Angular CLI, Google Cloud APIs, etc.), then briefly cover the Angular component architecture we’re going to use to create the Karaoke app. After that we jump into VS Code, where we spend 10–15 minutes building the Karaoke app from scratch (mostly via code snippets on hotkeys). Ask for a volunteer from the audience to demo the app in action, and then open it up to questions.


This is an adaptation of a talk I saw Sergio Cruz give live at ng-conf a few years ago. Updated for Angular 8 (Ivy), Angular Material 8, RxJS 6 and deeper integration into the Google Cloud ecosystem.

There are a few different GCP topics I could present on at DevFest Springfield, so if you have any feedback about this talk submission, or would like to see this taken in a different direction, let me know!