Code to DI For – Dependency Injection for Modern Applications

By Caleb Jenkins

Elevator Pitch

We’ll look at common dependency injection patterns and various IoC/DI frameworks, the pro’s & cons, practical steps and guidance as well some of the real world scenarios with impact to Unit Testing and application architecture.


This talk will walk us in to the heroic world of super spies and James Bond as we introduce the concepts of factories, strategy pattern, Inversion of Control, dependency injection and several of the available frameworks. We’ll look at common dependency injection patterns and various IoC/DI frameworks, the pro’s & cons, practical steps and guidance as well some of the real world scenarios with impact to Unit Testing and application architecture. You should come away with a new appreciation of DI for your code – and you’ll be humming the James Bond theme for the rest of the week – It’s a great time!


Slides: Feedback from a previous time I gave this talk: “Had me laughing so hard, I could hardly eat my nachos”