Contributing 101: My first PR on GitHub

By Cheuk Ting Ho

Elevator Pitch

Imagine all open source contributors never volentee their time, all the libraries that you love: pandas, numpy, scikit-learn etc. are non-esisted, how difficult it would be to finish your DS project? If you don’t want that to happen, do what you can and start contributing now.


In this workshop, we will frist get participants up and running: getting a GitHub account, getting git. Then, we explain with a very simple step by step guide for participants to make they very first pull request on a repo that is designed for first timers: no hussel to do any coding, just to get familar to the steps to contribute and demistify some basic concepts in git. After that, we will challange participants to contribute to a couple of smaller/ young python open source projects, which has good low hanging fruit (good first issue) avaliable so participants can contribute to an open source project for real. At the end of the day, participants will have more confidence and motivation to contribute to open source projects.

This workshop is designed for people who can code in python and use open source library in they project or at work, but feeling uncomfortatble to use git and never contribute to open source projects on GitHub.