AppSource - Listing Dynamics 365 Apps

By Daniel Hesketh

Elevator Pitch

How do you take a great idea, and turn it into a packaged, flexible, scalable solution on AppSource? Join us, to hear what you should be considering as you prepare to list your solutions on Microsoft’s newest global app platform; AppSource.


Microsoft AppSource is a new marketplace platform that aims to provide easy and direct access to functional add-ons and industry based solutions. It presents a huge opportunity to showcase your Dynamics 365 solutions to a global audience, so what should you consider before getting listed?

We will dive into what’s involved to get listed on AppSource, and more importantly discuss design, development and marketing considerations you should be aware of. If you want your app to stand-out, taking the time to plan and execute will help.

We’ll cover Design Considerations, Solution Development including Security, the Listing & Publishing Process and more. As the AppSource platform is developing we’ll discuss some limitations and also the future direction being taken.

In designing and listing two Dynamics 365 add-ons simultaneously to AppSource we learnt a lot in a short space of time. We’ve prepared a great presentation to help get you familiar with AppSource and prepare you for the journey ahead.